Editor's Introduction
Searching for the Hidden Convict in Virginia’s Servant Laws
Jennifer Jeppesen, History, University of Melbourne
The Corruption of Benjamin Boothby
Peter Moore, Law, University of Technology Sydney
Francis Lieber and the South Carolina College Library: An Examination of a Scholar’s Academic Library Use
Patrick F. Roughen, Jr, North Carolina Central University
‘Their Proper Historical Place’: The Adjudication of History at the 1978–79 Commission of Inquiry into Chiropractic in New Zealand
Willem van Gent, History, University of Auckland
A map, a poem and two copyright statutes
Isabella Alexander, Law, University of Technology Sydney
The Vanished Source: Gossip and Absence in the Cape of Good Hope ‘Placard Scandal’ of 1824.
Kirsten McKenzie, History, University of Sydney
The Usual Sources: Historical Surprises in Letters and Wills
Prue Vines, Law, University of New South Wales
‘As this painting suggests’: The Power and Perspective of the Visual in Law and History
Diane Kirkby, History, La Trobe University
Reading the Old Bailey Proceedings
Arlie Loughnan, ARC Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Faculty of Law, University of Sydney
Stolen Generations’ Online Testimonies as Sources of Social Justice: Towards an Ethics of Encounter
Honni van Rijswijk, Law, University of Technology, Sydney
Hickford, Mark. Lords of the Land: Indigenous Property Rights and the Jurisprudence of Empire. (Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2011. 522 pp. ISBN 9780199568659).
David V Williams, University of Auckland
Kirkby, Diane (ed). Past Law, Present Histories. (ANU E Press, Canberra, 2012. 230 pp. ISBN 97819222144027).
Grant Morris, Victoria University of Wellington