This term the Centre for English Legal History will be hosting four seminars:
27 January - David Waddilove (St Catherine’s College, Cambridge) on ‘The legal basics of early-modern lending’
10 February - David Ibbetson (University of Cambridge) on ‘Words and deeds: the action of covenant, again’
24 February - Nicola Murphy (National University of Ireland, Galway) on ‘Derry v Peek in the House of Lords and beyond’
10 March - David Foster (Queen Mary University of London) on ‘"Aequitas sequitur legem”? The proliferation of equitable constructions in settlements of land, c.1660-1750’
Meetings take place at 5:15pm in the History Faculty boardroom.
All are welcome. Any questions to Joe Sampson (jws43@cam.ac.uk).