A hearty thanks to Karen and Dan for inviting me to guest
blog at LHB. I am somewhere between a digital Neanderthal and a digital wizard,
but exist closer to the Neanderthal end of the spectrum. At the least, I think
it’s fair to say I am a late rather than an early adopter when it comes to
technological advances. LHB was my entryway into blogs. It was the first one
that I read, the first I subscribed to a feed of, and the one I look most forward
to catching up with each morning, so it is both fitting and an honor that LHB
is also where I am having my first spin as a guest blogger.
Having just finished the at times grueling but also immensely
satisfying process of turning a dissertation into a book, I thought I’d use my first posts to
talk about some challenges of the book-writing process. I offer these in the
hopes that they may be of use to others but also, ideally, to generate a
conversation about these (and other) writing puzzles.