The editors of Studies in Legal History, the
official book series of the American Society for Legal History (ASLH),
are interested in developing teaching materials based on books published
in the series. We are committed to producing materials
that are both useful and interactive, posting them on our website
(aslh.net/bookseries). Thanks to generous funding from ASLH, we have
the opportunity to explore different formats in the interest of
generating lively and thought-provoking course materials.
We seek your advice and counsel on how best to
achieve these goals. We would value your suggestions both on how best to
produce such materials, and who might have useful experience in what
works best. We hope to include both video and documentary
materials (with proper permissions, of course). Our test will be run
with Sophia Lee, whose book The Workplace Constitution was published recently, and our hope is to generate a format that will be useful to any
author who would like to use it.
Please send us your suggestions for teaching materials and tell us what you have found works most
reliably. We hope to have a first set of materials by the end of the
spring semester, and look forward to working with authors
to help spread the use of legal history in undergraduate, graduate, and
professional courses.
[Comments here are welcome, but in any event please send your suggestions to one of the current editors, Sarah Barringer Gordon: sbgordon@law.upenn.edu.]