There are a number of engaging and timely reviews out this week.
In The Atlantic is a review essay featuring Jane Kamensky's A Revolution in Color: The World of John Singleton Copley and Alan Taylor's American Revolutions: A Continental History, 1750-1804.
The is a host of relevant reviews in this week's New York Times. David Oshinsky's Bellevue: Three Centuries of Medicine and Mayhem at America's Most Storied Hospital receives a review. The paper also carries a review of Glen Jeansonne's Herbert Hoover: A Life. Peter Fritzsche's An Iron Wind: Europe Under Hitler is also reviewed. Finally, a review essay considers The Black Panthers: Portraits from an Unfinished Revolution edited by Bryan Shih and Yohuru Williams and Black Power 50 edited by Sylviane A. Diouf and Komozi Woodard.

David Oshinsky reviews Steve Hahn's A Nation Without Borders: The United States and Its World in an Age of Civil Wars, 1830-1910 in The Washington Post.
The New York Review of Books has a review essay that engages The Other Slavery: The Uncovered Story of Indian Enslavement in America by Andrés Reséndez and An American Genocide: The United States and the California Indian Catastrophe, 1846–1873 by Benjamin Madley.
The Los Angeles Times carries a review of Heather Hendershot's Open to Debate: How William F. Buckley Put Liberal America on the Firing Line.

In Common-Place is a review of Jen Manion's Liberty’s Prisoners: Carceral Culture in Early America.
At the New Books Network James Alexander Dun is interviewed about his Dangerous Neighbors: Making the Haitian Revolution in Early America. Also at the site Coll Thrush speaks about his Indigenous London: Native Travelers at the Heart of Empire. Leon Wildes is interviewed about John Lennon vs. The U.S.A.: The Inside Story of the Most Bitterly Contested and Influential Deportation Case in United States History. Finally, Vicki Lens is interviewed about her Poor Justice: How the Poor Fare in the Courts.
Indelible Ink: The Trials of John Peter Zenger and the Birth of America’s Free Press by Richard Kluger is reviewed in the Washington Independent Review of Books.
In the Los Angeles Review is a timely review of Nicholas O'Shaughnessy's Selling Hitler: Propaganda and the Nazi Brand. Also reviewed at the site is Douglas Smith's Rasputin: Faith, Power, and the Twilight of the Romanovs.