Michigan Law School Third Annual Young Scholars' Conference, March 31–April 1, 2017. Deadline for Abstract Submissions: December 31, 2016
The University of Michigan Law School is delighted to invite submissions for its Third Annual Michigan Law Young Scholars' Conference, to be held March 31–April 1, 2017. The conference brings together promising junior scholars to present their work and receive feedback from prominent Michigan Law School faculty. It aims to promote fruitful research collaboration between its participants and to encourage their integration in a community of legal scholars. The Young Scholars' Conference is intended for junior faculty, doctoral students, lecturers, fellows, and individuals in other academic capacities (with an academic appointment of no more than four years) in law and law related disciplines. It also is open to exceptionally promising aspiring legal scholars who are currently engaged in legal practice, and who wish to present a substantial piece of scholarly work in preparation for the entry level teaching market. Abstracts are welcome on any legal or interdisciplinary subject. The selection process will be based on the quality of the abstract, as well as its capacity to engage with other proposals towards a collaborative academic and intellectual dialogue.
We are very excited that this year the conference will collaborate with several Michigan Law journals, all of them amongst the best journals in their respective fields. The Michigan Journal of International Law intends to select several papers from the conference for publication. The Michigan Journal of Law Reform, the Michigan Journal of Gender and Law, the Michigan Journal of Race and Law, and the Michigan Telecommunications and Technology Law Review will give serious consideration to papers selected for the conference that are within each journal's research agenda. Additional details on the selection process for publication in one of these journals will be provided after selection for participation in the Conference itself has been completed. In any event, there will be no obligation to accept any offer of publication you may receive.
A 500-700 word abstract of a paper that has not yet been published and a CV should be submitted to: law-doconf@umich.edu. Please format the abstract file name as abstract title_first name_last name. Please do not include any institutional affiliation on your abstract. Please submit your CV as a separate file, named with the format of first name_last name_CV. All files should be submitted as Word documents.
Submissions must be received by December 31, 2016. Selected papers will be announced by the end of January 2017. Final papers are due on March 5, 2017, and will be circulated among the participants in advance.
The University of Michigan Law School is pleased to offer partial funding to help cover accommodation and travel costs for some participants. If you wish to be considered for financial assistance, please submit a request in writing along with your abstract submission, specifying your city of departure and an estimate of your travel costs. We regret that we are unable to provide financial assistance to all participants.
We look forward to your submissions and participation. Questions may be directed to the organizing committee chair through the email address below.
The University of Michigan Law School
Young Scholars’ Conference Organizing Committee
Yahli Shereshevsky, Chair
Center for International and Comparative Law
200 Hutchins Hall
625 South State Street
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1215
Tel: +1 734-881-0738