Limited financial assistance (covering airfare and ground transportation only) is available for presenters in need, with priority given to graduate students, post-doctoral fellows, and scholars from abroad.
The Program Committee welcomes proposals for full sessions and individual papers. Given the number and high quality of submissions, however, individual papers are much less likely than full sessions to be accepted. Individual paper submitters are encouraged to connect with other scholars (through H-Law, etc.) to coordinate the submission of complete session proposals.
The Committee encourages the submission of a variety of different types of program proposals, including:
- Traditional paper panels (3-4 papers, with a separate chair-commentator);
- Incomplete panels lacking either one paper or a chair-commentator (whether 2-paper panels with a chair-commentator, or 3-paper panels without a chair-commentator), which the Program Committee will try to complete;
- Skills/Pedagogical workshops (chair, 3-4 presenters);
- Author-meets-reader panels (up to two (2) book authors, with 2-3 commentators);
- Roundtable discussions (1-2 chairs, with 3-4 commentators);
- “Lightning Round” sessions (1-2 chairs, with 8-12 presenters, speaking for three-minutes each, on projects at any stage of development, in a related geographical/temporal/thematic/methodological field);
- Pre-conference symposium programs (more information below).
- Session title
- Submitter’s name and contact information
- Titles of each proposed paper / presentation
- A 300-word description of the proposed session
- A c.v. for each presenter / chair / commentator (including complete contact information)
- Any special scheduling requests (note that we may not be able to accommodate all scheduling requests.)
- For paper-based panels only: a 300-word abstract of each paper
- A 300-word abstract of the paper
- A c.v. for each presenter (including complete contact information)
- Program title (and whether half-day or full-day)
- Presenter bios and contact information
- Program description (including summary, format, learning objectives, planned sessions, and how stated learning objectives will be met)
- Equipment/technology needs
All program presenters must be current members of the Society by the date of the Annual Meeting.
Prospective participants may submit proposals for multiple sessions, with the understanding that, absent exceptional circumstances, no individual may appear more than once on the final program in any capacity. The Program Committee strives to include as many participants as possible in the Annual Meeting, and will work with session organizers to identify suitable replacements for any sessions from which a participant has had to withdraw.
All proposals must be submitted via our online system. Please visit [here] for updates and additional information. The deadline for all proposals is [now] April 3, 2017.