Free and Unfree Markets in Early 19th-Century United States
Emilie Connolly, New York University
“Ward Creditors: Indian Trust Funds and the State Sovereign Debt Crisis of 1839”
Robert Richard, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
“The First "Great Depression" in North Carolina: Banks, Bonds, and the Stubborn Myth of Southern Laissez Faire, 1819-1833”
Matthew Saionz, University of Florida
“The Commercial Intercourse of Nations: The Contest for the New Mexico Overland Trade, 1821-1846”
Kelly Kean Sharp, University of California, Davis
“No Free Market: The Enslaved Marketwomen and Butchers of Charleston's Centre Market Stalls”
Financial Development of the 20th-Century U.S.
Chair/Discussant: Louis Hyman, Cornell University
Rasheed Saleuddin, University of Cambridge
“Polycentric Governance and State Co-construction: The Making of Modern Futures Markets through 'Self-regulation' in Interwar Chicago”
Peter Conti-Brown, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania
“Central Bank Independence, Revisited: The Many Meanings of the Fed-Treasury Accord of 1951”
Natalya Vinokurova, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania
“When Transaction Costs and Property Rights Collide: The Case of the Mortgage Electronic Registration System (MERS)”
Plenary: Keywords in American Economic and Business History
Chair: Julia Ott, New School for Social Research

Lawrence Glickman, Cornell University
“The Free Enterprise System”
Richard R. John, Columbia University
Richard White, Stanford University
“Antimonopoly in the Gilded Age”
Daniel Scroop, University of Glasgow
“Antimonopoly in the Twentieth Century”
Regulation, Competition, and Antitrust
Chair/Discussant: Jeffrey Fear, University of Glasgow
Paul Miranti, Rutgers Business School
“Toward a Sustainable Civilization: Conservation and Financial Reform at the ICC, 1906-1920”
Espen Storli, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)
“Living with Institutional Duality: Antitrust Laws, American Big Business and International Cartels, 1890-1940”
David Raley, El Paso Community College
“The Philips vs. Wisconsin Decision and the Decline of Regulatory Effectiveness”
Daniel Robert, University of California, Berkeley
“Making the News: 'Space Grabbing' by Corporations in the 1920s”
The Business of Air and Space Travel
Chair/Discussant: Joanna Grisinger, Northwestern University
Richard Sicotte, University of Vermont
“The Transition to the Jet Age: Business Strategy and Air Travel”
Daniel Rust, University of Wisconsin-Superior
“Landscape of Suspicion: The Transformation of the American Commercial Airport”
Enrico Beltramini, Notre Dame de Namur University
“Civilization Builders: The Case of Space Entrepreneurs”
Themes from Modern U.S. Financial History: Federalism, Deregulation, and Culture
Chair: Peter Conti-Brown, Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania
Discussant: David Sicilia, University of Maryland
Sean Vanatta, Princeton University
“Federalism and the Postwar Financial System”
Mark Rose, Florida Atlantic University
“Deregulation Before Deregulation: James J. Saxon and American Bank Politics, 1961-1966”
Christy Chapin, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
“Capital Flows: Three Drivers of U.S. Financialization”
Governance and Private Interests in American Law and Business, 1960-1990
Chair & Discussant: Edward Balleisen, Duke University
Gerardo Con Diaz, University of California, Davis
“IBM Software and American Patent Law in the 1960s”
Anne Fleming, Georgetown University Law Center
“Small-Dollar Loans and the New Financial Federalism”
Erik Erlandson, University of Virginia
“Gateways to Government: Ex Parte Contacts and Private Influence Over Public Regulation in the 1970s”
Thomas Scheiding, University of Hawaii
“It's Mine! The Copyright Ownership Battle in American Physics”
Profit and Reform in the American Progressive Era
Chair: Vicki Howard, University of Essex
Discussant: Rosanne Currarino, Queen's University (Canada)
Daniel Platt, Brown University
"Profit and 'Reputable Capital' in the Usury Reform Movement, 1909-1925”
Katie Rosenblatt, University of Michigan
“The Definition of ‘Profit': Cooperatives, Corporate Taxes, and the Bureau of Internal Revenue"”
Robbie Nelson, University of California, Berkeley
“Saving American Capitalism: Savings Banks and Class Politics in the Gilded Age”
Historicizing Property in the Nineteenth Century United States
Chair and Discussant: Ariel Ron, Southern Methodist University
Greg Ablavsky, Stanford University Law School
“The Rise of Federal Title”
Justin Simard, The Baldy Center for Law and Social Policy, University of Buffalo
“The Legal Routine of Nineteenth Century New York Commerce”
Emma Teitelman, University of Pennsylvania
“Treason, Trespass, and the Property of the Nation: The Civil War Origins of Federal Mining Legislation”
Seeking Control within Industry
Chair and Discussant: Jonathan Rees, Colorado State University-Pueblo
JoAnne Yates, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and Craig N. Murphy, Wellesley College
“Industrial Civilization, Engineering, and Industrial Standard Setting: The Global Engineering Standardization Movement in the 1920s”
Howard Stanger, Canisius College
“Theodore DeVinne and Charles Francis: Competing Visions of Labor-Management Harmony and the United Typothetae of America's Labor Problem”
Chad Pearson, Collin College
“Owen Wister and Anti-Labor Violence in the Progressive Era”
Xaq Frohlich, University of Texas-Austin
”Food Labeling Regulation and Its Reform: The Market Politics of the 1973 FDA New Food Label Rules”
The Corporate Form: Its Meanings and Social Obligations
Chair and Discussant: Kenneth Lipartito, Florida International University
David Chappell, University of Oklahoma
“Conflicted Meanings of Corporation in the Centuries before the General Incorporation Laws”
Evelyn Atkinson, University of Chicago
“Like a Good Neighbor? The Saga of the West Wisconsin Railroad”
Kyle Williams, Rutgers University
“Shareholder Democracy vs. The City of God: Corporate Polity in Mid-Century United States”
Early British Corporations and Law
Chair: Christina Lubinski, Copenhagen Business School
Discussant: Mark Billings, University of Exeter Business School
Graeme Acheson, University of Stirling, Gareth Campbell, Queen's University Belfast, and John D. Turner, Queen's University Belfast
“Common Law and the Origin of Shareholder Protection”
Gabriel Geisler Mesevage, University of Oxford
“Bubble Companies: Company Promotion and Fraud During the Railway Mania of 1845”
David Smith, Wilfrid Laurier University
“The Moral Economy of British Liberalism: Fair Trade and General Incorporation in the Nineteenth-Century”
Henderson Carter, University of the West Indies, Cave Hill Campus
“Degrading the Civilizing Mission: The Operation of the Plantation System in Barbados, 1838-1876”