Just now, we'd like to alert you to the dates of the next two annual meetings of the ASLH. The 2018 annual meeting will be in Houston on November 8-11, 2018. The conference hotel will be the Hilton-Américas, and the meeting's sponsors will be the University of Houston Law Center and the University of Houston. We'll post the entire text of the official call soon, but we note now that it invites "Papers and panels on any facet or period of legal history from anywhere in the world." That said, a "hold the date" flyer circulated at the Las Vegas meeting explains that "a principal purpose of the [Houston] meeting will be to advance ASLH's further internationalization by providing a first-class opening for the discussion of legal history scholarship concerning Mexico and Latin America generally."
The 2019 annual meeting will be in Boston on November 23-24, 2019.