- Niamh Howlin, senior lecturer in UCD Sutherland School of Law, discusses her Juries in Ireland: Laypersons and Law in the Long Nineteenth Century in the Irish Legal News. The takeway? ) “Ireland was distinguished among common law jurisdictions for its prolific use of juries in almost all aspects of the law."
- Vanderbilt's history department announces a new Law, History, and Society major.
- Among the lectures posted by on YouTube by HD-ULisboa is Iberian jurists and the rights of the native Americans in South America by Kenneth Pennington, Catholic University of America.
- From H-Law we learn of the latest H-Law podcast. Siobhan Barco interviews Daniel J. Sharfstein about his book Thunder in the Mountains: Chief Joseph, Oliver Otis Howard and the Nez Perce War (W.W. Norton & Company, 2017) here.

- On Thursday, November 2, 2017, 3:30pm - 4:30pm in the 5th Floor Conference Room of the Woodrow Wilson Center in Washington, DC, the Kennan Institute hosts Sergei Zhuk, Professor of History, Ball State University, on People’s Diplomacy: A History of American Studies in the Soviet Union.
- We're usually not big readers of brochures--electronic or otherwise--promoting the scholarship of law schools, but, given its faculty's many important contributions to legal history, the latest one from Buffalo is worth paging through.
- ICYMI: Federal Segregation and Gold Star Mothers on the OAH’s Process blog. U.S. Grant's papers are now online from the Library of Congress. Some trivia about current and recent Supreme Court justices, when six appear at an HLS bicentennial event.