While the political, social and economic impact and consequences of World War I, World War II and subsequent conflicts have been well-documented, many questions remain regarding the legal structures and restrictions introduced during those hostilities. This is despite the fact that engagement by belligerent countries in such conflicts often required formal declarations be made according to law in order to be valid. Extensive, unique legal structures were also needed to facilitate the war effort on the home front and beyond. At the end of World War I many countries maintained their wartime restrictions in the post-war period; in some jurisdictions those controls remain in force to this day. One of the world’s most famous legal documents, the Treaty of Versailles, contributed to the eventual outbreak of World War II. In more recent times, engagement in conflicts has occurred without formal proclamation, further complicating the role and rule of law.

Articles should be between 6000-8000 words and contributions may address any area that intersects with law, war and history. Contributions may also focus on any jurisdiction and submissions by international and comparative scholars are welcomed. While the timing of this special edition coincides with the end of centenary commemorations of World War I and will be published during the centenary of the negotiations for the Treaty of Versailles, articles may explore any prior conflict.
The deadline for the call for papers is 31 October 2018, with a view to publication in mid-2019. All submissions will be subject to peer review. All submissions should subscribe to the Australian Guide to Legal Citation. Papers must include an abstract of approximately 200 words and a short author biography.
Enquiries should be directed to Dr Catherine Bond at catherine.bond@unsw.edu.au