Africa Needs Many Lawyers Trained for the Need of their Peoples’: Struggles over Legal Education in Kwame Nkrumah’s Ghana
John Harrington; Ambreena Manji
“Full Justice May Be Done Them”: The Case of Bill, Charles, Jupiter, Randolph, et al. v. William A. Carr in a Florida Freedmen’s Bureau Court
Zachary Newkirk
Fraud and Dishonesty in King’s Bench and Star Chamber
Henry Mares
Justice under Administration: An Overview of Judiciary and Courts in Spain, 1834–1870
Julia Solla
Re-tying the Knot? Remarriage and Divorce by Consent in mid-Victorian England
Penelope Russell
Book Reviews
Xavier Prévost, Jacques Cujas (1522-1590). Jurisconsulte humaniste
Xavier Godin
Martti Koskenniemi, Walter Rech, and Manuel Jiménez Fonseca (eds.), International Law and Empire: Historical Explorations
Alberto Rinaldi
Johannes Liebrecht, Die junge Rechtsgeschichte: Kategorienwandel in der rechtshistorischen Germanistik der Zwischenkriegszeit
Kjell Å Modéer
Carlos Petit, Historia del derecho mercantil
Luisa Brunori; Olivier Descamps
Incidentally, the AJLH has made its "10 most highly cited papers from 2016 and 2017" available free online for a limited time. They include the review essay Federalism Anew, by Sara Mayeux and LHB Blogger Karen Tani.
--Dan Ernst