The National History Center's next Congressional briefing will be on the history of health care in the U.S. It will be Friday, June 28, 2019 from 10:00 am-11:00 am, in the Gold Room, Rayburn House Office Building, Room 2168. The speakers will be Beatrix Hoffman, Northern Illinois University, and Nancy Tomes, Stony Brook University. Alan Kraut, American University, will moderate. Saith the NHC: “Why is the American health care system so costly, complex, and challenging for those who seek to legislate improvements in access to and quality of care? The answers are rooted in the historical forces that gave rise to the current system. Two leading authorities on the history of American health care will explain how we got where we are today.”
Over at Jotwell, Joanna Grisinger, Northwestern University, has posted The Federal Trade Commission as National Nanny, her appreciation of Rachel Louise Moran's "Fears of a Nanny State: Centering Gender and Family in the Political History of Regulation," in Shaped by the State: Toward a New Political History of the Twentieth Century 317 (Brent Cebul, Lily Geismer, and Mason B. Williams, eds., 2019).
Update: Anna Jarvis interviewed on winning the R. Roy McMurtry Fellowship to research her great-great grandfather, Edward Jarvis, chief justice of the supreme court of Prince Edward Island (CBC).
Weekend Roundup is a weekly feature compiled by all the Legal History bloggers.