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C.J. Warren Burger (LC) |
- Jeffrey B. Morris, Touro College Jacob B. Fuchsberg Law Center, has posted The Fiftieth Anniversary of Warren Burger's Appointment as Chief Justice on the website of the Richard Nixon Foundation, which will host a conference on the Burger Court at the Nixon Presidential Library in Yorba Linda, CA, in 2020.
- Mary Ziegler, Florida State University College of Law and former LHB Guest Blogger is up on the BBC History Extra with A brief history of US abortion law, before and after Roe v Wade.
- “The ‘Shaping Justice: A Century of Great Crimes in Merced County’ exhibit, opening at the Courthouse Museum on June 27 at 5 p.m., will chronicle the development of Merced County’s legal system in its first 100 years by examining 30 crimes/cases from the Snelling Wild West shootout in 1857 to finally putting the elusive ‘vice king’ Rusty Doan behind bars in 1952.” More, from the Merced Sun-Star.
- From the Washington Post's Made by History section: Linda Hirshman on "How the Supreme Court made sexual harassment cases more difficult to win"; Shana Bernstein (Northwestern University) on why "It’s time for regulatory agencies to start putting public health ahead of private profit"; Marixa Lasso (Universidad Nacional de Colombia) on "Why birthright citizenship is crucial to democratic governance"; and more.
- Congress held a hearing this week on reparations. The Chronicle of Education noted the absence of historians from those invited to testify. In the media, however, they've spoken up. Andrew Kahrl (University of Virginia) weighs in here, at the New York Times.
- Just up on the Law and History Review website: Lindsay M. Chervinsky, White House Historical Association, Interpreting Article II, Section 2: George Washington and the President's Powers.
- ICYMI: Olivia B. Waxman on the history of executive privilege in Time, via HNN. Chris Geidner on The Court Cases That Changed L.G.B.T.Q. Rights in the NYT. Donald Ritchie, the former historian of the U.S. Senate, on The Impeachment Illusion in OUPblog via HNN. Stephen Griffin on Jonathan Geinapp's Second Creation in Balkinization.