Editorial Felice Batlan; Stefan Vogenauer
AJLH Alfred L. Brophy Prize
The Hermit and the Boa Constrictor: Jeremy Bentham, Henry Brougham, and the Accessibility of Justice
Chris Riley
‘The Great Britain of the South’: the Law of Contract in Early Colonial New Zealand
Warren Swain
The Background to Riggs v. Palmer
William B Meyer
The Historical Evolution of Allegiance During Occupation
Manuel Galvis Martinez
Book Reviews
Alfred L. Brophy, University, Court, & Slave: Pro-Slavery Thought in Southern Colleges & Courts & the Coming of Civil War
Kelly Kennington
Jean-Christophe Gaven, Le Crime de Lèse-nation: Histoire d'une Invention Juridique et Politique
Chrystelle Gazeau
Aniceto Masferrer, ed., The Western Codification of Criminal Law: A Revision of the Myth of its Predominant French Influence
Luigi Lacchè