- Clare Cushman writes on Epidemics and the Supreme Court over at the website of the Supreme Court Historical Society.

- The Annenberg Classroom is out with reminders of its films on Yick Wo v. Hopkins and McCulloch v. Maryland.
- The Johns Hopkins University Press has ungated Reviews in American History during the pandemic.
- A belated happy birthday to the Statute of Anne, and a belated notice of Primary Sources on Copyright (1460-1900).
- The officers of the American Society for Legal History write to say that all of the Society's prizes will be awarded this year as usual with a submission deadline of June 1.
- ICYMI: Adam Klein and Benjamin Wittes on The Long History of Coercive Health Responses in American Law over at Lawfare. Former LHB Guest Blogger Mary Ziegler on Unconstitutional Chaos: Abortion in the Time of COVID-19. Dave Welky on The President vs. The Epidemic: FDR's Polio Crusade over at HNN. Plus: Ashley Rubin at The Conversation on prisons and disease outbreaks historically, with more here.