Lots of legal history in the
just announced prizes of the
Law and Society Association. LHB’s own
Mitra Sharafi won the LSA Article Prize for “
The Imperial Serologist and Punitive Self-Harm: Bloodstains and Legal Pluralism in British India.” Former LHB Associate Blogger
Emily Prifogle received the Dissertation Prize for “
Cows, Cars, and Criminals: The Legal Landscape of the Rural Midwest, 1920-1975.” It “excavates the construction of the rural Midwest through five case studies, ranging from policing, land use and zoning, education, labor rights and community organizing, showing how ‘rural values’ were asserted and inscribed in the law, as distinct from urban and national values.” The winner of the J. Willard Hurst Book Prize was
Leor Halevi’s
Modern Things on Trial: Islam's Global and Material Reformation in the Age of Rida 1865-1935 (Columbia University Press 2019). Former LHB Guest Blogger
Sarah Seo received Honorable Mention for
Policing the Open Road (Harvard University Press, 2019). Congratulations, all!
--Dan Ernst