Wednesday, November 29, 2023

MPI-TAU Transnational Legal History Workshop

[We have the schedule for the Transnational Legal History Workshop, sponsored by the Max Planck Institute and Tel Aviv University.  DRE]

The Berg Foundation Institute for Law and History at The Buchmann Faculty of Law, Tel Aviv University, and the Max-Planck-Institute for Legal History and Legal Theory will continue the joint MPI-TAU Transnational Legal History Workshop in the Fall Semester 2023/2024.

The workshop will meet from 19:00-20:30 (Frankfurt time) and 20:00-21:30 (Tel Aviv time). This year's organizers and moderators are Leora Bilsky (TAU), Thomas Duve (MPI), Rachel Friedman (TAU), David Schorr (TAU), and Stefan Vogenauer (MPI).

Sessions will be conducted on Zoom and will be based on pre-circulated papers. The papers will be sent to each participant one week in advance.

Registration for participation is required:

6 December                Assaf Likhovski (TAU)

Studying Ancient Constitutional Law in Colonial India and Mandatory Palestine

13 December              Jan-Henrik Meyer (MPILHLT)

European Community Environmental Law in the 1970s: Combatting Water Pollution

20 December              Noga Morag-Levine (Michigan State University)

England’s Missing Boards of Health: The Medieval Beginnings of an Anglo-Continental Divergence

10 January                  Alon Jasper (TAU)

Transforming a Polity into an Economy: The Five Nations and the Railroads, 1855-1894

17 January                  Raquel Sirotti (MPILHLT)

State-like powers? Charter Companies and the production of knowledge of normativity in Mozambique (1891-1942)

24 January                  Egas Moniz Bandeira (FAU)

Changing Legal Professions in China, Japan, and the Ottoman Empire in the long 19th century: Towards a Historical Comparison

31 January                  Aparna Balachandran (Delhi University)

Religion, Law and Urban Governance: Subaltern Christians as Legal Subjects in Early Colonial South India

7 February                  Cristiano Paixão (University of Brasília)

Transnational legal mobilization: repressive structures and networks of resistance in S. American dictatorships (1964-1988)

14 February                Julia Moses (University of Sheffield)

Harmonizing the Family? International Law, Cultural Norms and Marriage at the Turn of the Twentieth Century

21 February                Sarina Kuersteiner (Union College)

Whatever God Gives: Arabic and Judaeo-Arabic Rizq and Latin Resicum in Commercial Vocabulary, 1154-1164 CE