The 2009 meeting will be in Dallas, Texas, November 12-14, 2009. Hosted by a partnership of SMU and the local bar, the ASLH anticipates a Texas-sized welcome at the Fairmont Dallas, located in the Arts District, near first-rate performing venues and the lively restaurants and nightlife of the West End Historical District.
Program Committee Co-Chairs for 2008 are Laura Edwards, Duke University, and David Seipp, Boston University.
The Program Committee of the ASLH invites proposals for complete panels and individual papers for the 2008 meeting, to be held November 13-16 in Ottawa, Ontario. Panels and papers on any facet or period of legal history are welcome. We particularly welcome topics and participants representing the full range of the Society's diversity.
Panel proposals should include the following: a c.v. for every person on the panel, including complete contact information, 300-word abstracts of individual papers; complete or partial drafts of papers,where possible; and a short description of the panel. Individual papers submissions should consist of an abstract, a draft paper (where possible), and a c.v.
Those who presented at the 2007 conference are welcome to submit papers and/or proposals for the 2008 conference. Although the committee will strive to include papers from those who have not presented recently, there will be no rule against presenting in consecutive years.
The deadline for submissions will be February 1, 2008. Electronic submissions (in Word or Word Perfect) are strongly encouraged and should be sent to:
Laura Edwards via ledwards@duke.edu
Hard copies, if necessary, should be mailed to:
2008 ASLH Program Committee
c/o Professor David J. Seipp
Boston University School of Law
765 Commonwealth Avenue
Boston, MA 02215