The 2010 meeting of the American Society for Legal History will be in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, November 18-21, 2010. The ASLH invites proposals for complete panels and individual papers on any facet or period of legal history, anywhere in the world. Financial assistance will be available for graduate students and international scholars whose papers are accepted for the program.
The Program Committee invites panel proposals in a wide variety of formats suited to 105-minute panel slots: Three papers and a comment; roundtable discussions of important subjects, projects or books; “author meets reader;” panels with more than three presenters who give short papers (10 minutes) without commentator; and other formats suggested by submitters.
The Program Committee invites early career scholars (including graduate students) and other scholars who have not been on the ALSH Program before to consult with the Co-Chairs of the Program Committee for advice in constructing a panel, including how to identify and contact others working in your field. Please send inquiries to Kenneth F. Ledford (kenneth.ledford@case.edu) or Barbara Y. Welke (welke004@umn.edu).
Panel proposals should include the following:
The Program Committee invites panel proposals in a wide variety of formats suited to 105-minute panel slots: Three papers and a comment; roundtable discussions of important subjects, projects or books; “author meets reader;” panels with more than three presenters who give short papers (10 minutes) without commentator; and other formats suggested by submitters.
The Program Committee invites early career scholars (including graduate students) and other scholars who have not been on the ALSH Program before to consult with the Co-Chairs of the Program Committee for advice in constructing a panel, including how to identify and contact others working in your field. Please send inquiries to Kenneth F. Ledford (kenneth.ledford@case.edu) or Barbara Y. Welke (welke004@umn.edu).
Panel proposals should include the following:
-- a short description of the panel, including the roles and email addresses of each member; and
-- an abstract of each paper of no more than 300-words; and
-- a one-page c.v. or biography for every person on the panel, including complete contact information; please note whether this person appeared on the 2009 Program and in what capacity (chair, paper presenter, commentator).
Individual paper proposals should include the following:
-- an abstract of the paper of no more than 300-words; and
-- a one-page c. v. or biography for the author, including complete contact information; please note whether this person appeared on the 2009 Program and in what capacity.
The deadline for proposals will be February 28, 2010. Proposals (preferably in a single PDF file, but acceptable in Word or WordPerfect) should be sent as email attachments to Kenneth F. Ledford at kenneth.ledford@case.edu. Those unable to send proposals as email attachments can mail hard copies to:
2009 ASLH Program Committee
c/o Kenneth F. Ledford
Department of History
Case Western Reserve University
11201 Euclid Avenue
Cleveland, OH 44106-7107
-- an abstract of the paper of no more than 300-words; and
-- a one-page c. v. or biography for the author, including complete contact information; please note whether this person appeared on the 2009 Program and in what capacity.
The deadline for proposals will be February 28, 2010. Proposals (preferably in a single PDF file, but acceptable in Word or WordPerfect) should be sent as email attachments to Kenneth F. Ledford at kenneth.ledford@case.edu. Those unable to send proposals as email attachments can mail hard copies to:
2009 ASLH Program Committee
c/o Kenneth F. Ledford
Department of History
Case Western Reserve University
11201 Euclid Avenue
Cleveland, OH 44106-7107