Also in the NY Times, James McPherson reviews THE AMERICAN CIVIL WAR: A Military History by John Keegan.
An interview with Mark Mazower, author of No Enchanted Palace: The End of Empire and the Ideological Origins of the United Nations, appears in the Boston Globe.
Children of Armenia: A Forgotten Genocide and the Century-Long Struggle for Justice by Michael Bobelian is reviewed in the Washington Post.
Worse Than War: Genocide, Eliminationism, and the Ongoing Assault on Humanity by Daniel Jonah Goldhagen is reviewed in the San Francisco Chronicle.
1688: The First Modern Revolution by Steve Pincus is discussed by Bernard Bailyn in the New York Review of Books.
Also in the New York Review, Double Exile: Migrations of Jewish-Hungarian Professionals Through Germany to the United States, 1919–1945 by Tibor Frank and Enemies of the People: My Family's Journey to America by Kati Marton are taken up by István Deák.
Johathan Rabban discusses Dorothea Lange: A Life Beyond Limits by Linda Gordon and Daring to Look: Dorothea Lange's Photographs and Reports from the Field by Anne Whiston Spirn in the New York Review of Books, and David Cole discusses American prisons.