The University of Pennsylvania Press has a book series:
Democracy, Citizenship, and Constitutionalism. Rogers M. Smith, Browne Distinguished Professor of Political

Science, University of Pennsylvania, is the founding editor, and I've recently signed on as co-editor of the series. Works of constitutional history are most welcome. The series is interdisciplinary, and also welcomes projects on constitutionalism in other nations and comparative work. Here's the series description:
In 1787, revolutionaries in Philadelphia invented a new political identity: citizenship in a large-scale constitutional democracy. That combination, once new and rare, is today being imitated around the globe. Yet despite its great prestige, constitutional democratic citizenship is fraught with tensions that are becoming ever more acute. The DCC series seeks to publish the best empirical and normative explorations of citizenship, democracy, and constitutionalism from scholars in many disciplines, including political science, law, history, sociology, philosophy, anthropology, communications, literature, and education. View the volumes available in the DCC series.
Books published in the series so far include:
Kautz/Melzer, The Supreme Court and the Idea of Constitutionalism (hc 2009)
Nedelsky, Defining the Sovereign Community: The Czech and Slovak Republics (hc 2009)
Smith, Citizenship, Borders, and Human Needs (hc Dec 2010)
At the press, you can contact Editor-in-Chief Peter Agree with queries (, and of course you can always
contact me.