I recently stumbled upon a neat oral history project:
Conversations in Law and Society, conducted by the
Center for the Study of Law and Society at Berkeley Law. Under the leadership of
Lauren Edelman and
Calvin Morrill, the Center has created a video archive of interviews with the founders and leading figures of the Law & Society field.

The roster of interviewees is impressive: the first three were
Joseph R. Gusfield (Professor of Sociology Emeritus, University of California, San Diego),
Stewart Macaulay (Professor of Law Emeritus, University of Wisconsin-Madison), and
Lawrence Friedman (Marion Rice
Kirkwood Professor of Law and Professor of History and Political Science, Stanford University) (
pictured at right).
Laura Nader (Professor of Anthropology, University of California, Berkeley) and
Marc Galanter (Professor of Law Emeritus, University of Wisconsin-Madison) are on deck.
Videos of the interviews are available on the Center's