The Historical Society has put together a post on the state of the history job market ("bleak," again). Lots of good links to related articles.
In honor of Thursday's reading of the U.S.Constitution on the floor of the House of Representatives, the New York Times has posted an annotated guide to the founding document, focusing on "the clauses most revered, and disputed, by advocates on either side of the political spectrum." You can find it here.
Jack Balkin (Yale Law School) has posted an interview he conducted with Reva Siegel and Linda Greenhouse about their recent book, Before Roe v. Wade: Voices that Shaped the Abortion Debate Before The Supreme Court's Ruling. (We've mentioned the book previously, here and here.)
AHA executive director Jim Grossman addresses "historical malpractice" in textbook writing. Read his views on the controversial Our Virginia: Past and Present (Five Ponds Press, 2010) here.