- It is probably a breach of scholarly decorum to point out when colleagues have been remaindered. With apologies, then, we note that until the end of the month you can get copies of Owen Fiss's and William Wiecek's contributions to the Holmes Devise History of the U.S. Supreme Court for only $20 a piece during the Cambridge University Press's New Year American History Sale.
The Liberty Fund has started the Library of Law and Liberty, a blog that will include, among other things, reviews of works of constitutional and legal history.
- Lucky law students at the University of Hawai'i: during the January term they can take legal history (or legal history inflected) courses from Christine Desan and Lawrence M. Friedman.
- The Frances S. Summersell Center for the Study of the South at the University of Alabama invites researchers to apply for fellowships to use the University's collections. Resources in legal history include the files of Huntsville lawyer S.D. Cabiness and the antebellum law firm Belser and Harris. (Hat tip: H-Law.)
The Weekend Round-Up is a weekly feature compiled by all the Legal History bloggers.