Register for this free event here.This webinar will be devoted to exploring the evolution of national power and racial justice throughout American history. It will demonstrate how focusing on American constitutionalism as a whole -- rather than on select Supreme Court opinions -- illuminates the function of the Supreme Court in American constitutional politics and, more importantly, illustrates the ways in which law and politics interact in the American constitutional regime. After a brief introduction, Mark will explore two case studies, using their text, American Constitutionalism, as a reference. Both cases will address important questions of constitutional politics that are neglected in the traditional curriculum.
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
Graber to Lead Webinar on "Constitutional Politics: National Power and Racial Justice"
In support of “the acclaimed text” American Constitutionalism (Oxford University Press, 2012), which he coauthored with Howard Gillman and Keith E. Whittington, Mark Graber will be leading a live "webinar" on Constitutional Politics: National Power and Racial Justice, on Friday, March 22nd, starting at noon, Eastern Standard Time, on the Oxford University Press’s website. OUP's announcement promises “commentary” from his coauthors and further explains: