Wednesday, August 5, 2015

CFP: Journal Quaestio Iuris

The Journal Quaestio Iuris (ISSN 1516-0351), quarterly electronic publication of the professors of Law School of the State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ), classified by Brazilian Ministry of Education as Qualis A2, Law, is pleased to announce our new number (vol. 08, no. 02, 2015) (see [after the jump] and open call for papers for the next number of Journal Quaestio Iuris which will be published in November 2015.

Created from the need to investigate the law from multidisciplinary matrices, the Journal Quaestio Iuris receives in a continuous flow, papers on Legal Theory, Philosophy of Law, Sociology of Law, History of Law, State Theory, Philosophy, Epistemology and others disciplines that having the law by subject matter.

In order to promote greater participation and interaction between researches, we invite university professors to participate in the journal by sending your papers to our next issue, noting that the Journal Quaestio Iuris seeking entries streaming, submitted in our webpage or through the e-mails referred to below of our Editorial Team. Papers will be accepted in Portuguese, Spanish or English.

It should be borne in mind that the Journal Quaestio Iuris has multidisciplinary debate on the scope of its editorial policy, whose contents can be accessed through our website.

We are still open call for participation of university professors who want to collaborate in the Journal Quaestio Iuris as Referees Assessors in sporadic review articles, which are sent for the online submission system (standard opinion of 02 pages, assessing the strengths and weaknesses of article, approving, suggesting corrections or not accepting for publication).

If you are interested in publishing articles or participation as an evaluator referee, send by the journal system or through e-mails listed below of our Editorial Team.

TOC for JQI 8:2 after the jump.  Contributors include Tony Freyer and Mark Tushnet.

v. 8, n. 2 (2015)

Editorial: English
Maurício Mota, Editor

How to read the deconstruction of sovereignty?
Gabriel Rezende

Torture discourse’s prevalence faces claims of total abolition
Emilia Bea
The military ombudsman: conflicts between rights citizens and military order in the Argentina of the 21st Century
Germán Soprano
The procurement crime trends under the regulations on sex work: a socio legal analysis from the vision and opinion of uruguayan women in situation of prostitution
Pablo Guerra
New constitutional hermeneutics and legal security: a critical overview of the linguistic turn and the interpretation of Constitition
Juliana Cristine Diniz Campos, Felipe Braga Albuquerque
Law, Moral and Interpretation: the debate between Marmor and Dworkin
Carlos Frederico Ramos de Jesus
Juridicalization of structural discrimination against indigenous peoples and afro-descendants in Latin América: conceptualization and typology of an inter-american dialogue
Manuel Eduardo Góngora Mera

Citizen security. ¿Reduce crime or inequality, marginalization and poverty?
María Amelia Solórzano Peña, Ramiro Contreras Acevedo

Considerations on the State
Paul Thomas

Montaigne and the law: about of custom, and not easily changing an accepted law (i, 23) and of experience (iii, 13)
Gilmar Henrique da Conceição

Municipal weakness and crime: the case of Michoacán, Mexico
Jerjes Aguirre Ochoa Ochoa, Hugo Amador Herrera Torres

Think about the juridical Roman roots of precedent "one ship company"
Guillermo Suárez Blázquez

Expulsion of foreigners in Mexico: a commentary on the new “administrative procedure of exclusion” proposed by President Enrique Peña Nieto under the reglementary act of article 33 of the Constitution
Jorge A. Vargas

Legal systems integrity
Mikhail Antonov

The cultural defense in the scope of criminal law and criminal procedure: a comparative law vision as paradigm of aplication at the brazilian law
Ionilton Pereira Do Vale
The freedom as subjective right in the William of Ockham’s thought
Gabriel Lima Marques
New institutional mechanisms for making Constitutional Law
Mark Tushnet, Traduzido por Thiago Filippo Silva Jorge

The possible contribution of Kelsen for the transition from the paradigm of application of 19th Century scientific normativism to the paradigm of decision
Sandra Teixeira Carmo

People and things in the midplane of the right
Francisco Carpintero Benítez

Poetic justice, legal justice (or: what poets and lawyers might have in common)
Michael C. Blumenthal


Embedding free versus slave labor regulation in the transatlantic British Empire and the United States, 1835-1860
Tony A. Freyer

Principles and methods of multi-jurisdiccional state taxation
Richard D. Pomp, Jorge Rodriguez

Removals in Olympic Rio de Janeiro
Bianca Tomaino