The association The European Society for History of Law is the publisher of the Journal on European History of Law which is published 2x per year. It is assigned for law-historians and Romanists that want to share with their colleagues the results of their research in this field. At the same time, reviews of books with historical themes are being published. You can also find there information about the happenings in the field of law-history.
Articles in the journal are published in English or in German, according to the authors wish. The articles must fulfill the criteria written in the guidelines for authors. The executive editor decides on whether to publish the articles and in which order.
All the works must be reviewed. The executive editor decides on whether to publish the materials and in which order. After the review, the decision will be sent to the author by email.
The authors are held responsible for the lingual and formal level of the papers submitted. These levels are checked by the editor’s office and some small necessary changes can be done by the editor.
The European Society for History of Law
Foltynova 2,635 00 Brno; Czech Republic
[And, for a recent TOC, masthead, and contribution, see Statutory Regulation of Capital Punishment in Hungary During the Horthy Era and World War II, by Zoltan J. Toth, Karoli Gaspar University, Budapest, which appeared in 6:2 (2015), and
deals with the history of the normative regulation concerning capital punishment in Hungary between 1919–1944, that is, during the Horthy era. Right after the end of the Soviet Republic of Hungary, in August 1919, the legal system of the Hungarian Kingdom was reinstated. Capital punishment, however, remained general penalty not only in the military criminal procedure, but in the ordinary one as well. Besides these, from time to time, numerous martial law statutes stipulated that the death penalty could be applied in cases of various criminal offences, both in peacetime (mainly in 1921, 1924 and 1931–1932) and, particularly, wartime. The implementation of capital punishment, however, culminated in 1943 and 1944 when (that is, in the end of 1944) the statehood of Hungary collapsed.]