[T]he Digital Commons is not well-suited to the sort of open
and free discussion that once was the core element of H-Law. With this
truth in mind, H-Law – in partnership with the American Society for
Legal History – has started a separate legal history listserv.
The LHL will look and feel much as the old H-Law 1.0 did. Members will
post questions, comments, or replies, using their normal email
programs. Messages will be sent to a central page where moderators will
evaluate the posts and then forward them to the whole list. Where
revisions are required, the moderator will contact the poster
separately. The same rules of netiquette and topic focus of H-Law
(solely on legal history broadly defined) will govern the listserv and
will be enforced. Decisions on the suitability of a post will rest with
the moderator and the H-Law Editorial Board. Please note that those
interested in joining the Legal History Listserv will need to register separately for that listserv. Membership on H-Law will not provide access to the LHL.
To join the Legal History Listserv, go to http://lists.aslh.net/mailman/listinfo/legal-history-listserv .