Among the just-announced
Andrew Carnegie Fellows is the historian
Maribel Morey, Assistant Professor,
Clemson University, who won it for“Big Philanthropy in the Lives of Black Americans: What Today's Foundations Can Learn from this History.” I was also pleased to see among the recipients
Beryl Satter, Professor,
Rutgers University-Newark, for “Economic Democracy from the Bottom Up: ShoreBank, Uneven Development, and the Paradoxes of Race, Community and Financialization, 1973-2010”;
Charles G. Geyh, John F. Kimberling Professor of Law,
Indiana University, for “Lies, Damn Lies, and Judicial Elections: Transcending the Shrill Public Policy Debate over Judicial Selection in America”; and my fellow LAPA Fellow
Mark Fathi Massoud, Associate Professor, Politics and Legal Studies,
University of California, Santa Cruz, for “Human Rights and Islamic States: Can Religion Rebuild the Rule of Law After War?” H/t:
Mary Dudziak