12:00-1:00 Buffet Lunch
1:00-2:20 Foundational Thickets: Competition and Coordination in 19th-Century America
Standard Oil Co. v. United States: The Supreme Court and the Foundations of a New American Society
James May, Washington College of Law, American University
A Stitch in Time: The Rise and Fall of the Sewing Machine Patent Thicket
Adam Mossoff, George Mason University School of Law
Comments: Marc Winerman, Adviser to FTC Commissioner William Kovacic
2:30-3:50 Life and Legitimacy: Bringing Legal History to Life Without Compromising Scholarly Discipline
Louis D. Brandeis: A Life
Melvin Urofsky, Center for Public Policy, Virginia Commonwealth University
A More Obedient Wife: A Novel of the Early Supreme Court
Natalie Wexler, independent scholar
Comments: Kriste Lindenmeyer, Department of History, University of Maryland
Moderator: Joyce Malcolm, George Mason University School of Law
Image credit: George Mason Memorial