G. Edward White, University of Virginia Law School, has posted on bepress
The Origins of Modern American Legal History, a paper on how the Harvard Law School's Charles Warren Fellowships in the late 1960s and early 1970s amounted to a defining moment in the academic discipline of American legal history. (The fellowships commenced after the unexpected death of the first occupant of the Charles Warren chair in American legal history, Mark De Wolfe Howe, picture at right.) White gave the paper at the
conference in honor of Morton Horwitz, and it will appear as a chapter in the next volume of the festschrift from the Harvard University Press.) I broke into the biz in the Eighties and after being trained by several of the scholars White names, so I knew pieces of the story, but it was still illuminating to see how White has assembled them.
Image credit. Incidentally, this url has thumbnail photographs of other Buffalo law deans, including Christopher Tiedeman, Frank Shea, and Louis Jaffe.