Hodgson is reviewed by Roger Cohen in the New York Times. Although, for Hodgson, "the American Revolution created the world’s first large republic and 'replaced divine right, and hereditary right, and customary legitimacy, with the supreme authority of the people,'" for all their differences, "'19th-century America and 19th-century Europe were essentially two parts of the same progressive, liberal capitalist civilization.'" Rather than seeing the United States as a "city upon a Hill," Cohen writes,
Hodgson is unconvinced about America’s global mission. The United States, he writes, has become “just one great, but imperfect, country among others.” More than skeptical, he is angry, dismayed by what he sees as the religious, self-righteous and rightist manipulation of a once ennobling idea. Hodgson argues that “what has been essentially a liberating set of beliefs has been corrupted over the past 30 years or so by hubris and self-interest into what is now a dangerous basis for national policy and for the international system.”
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