Date: February 18, 1966
Title: "Women - Dare We Not Discriminate?"
Panel: Betty Friedan - Author, The Feminine Mystique
Mary I. Bunting - President, Radcliffe College
Pauli Murray - Lawyer; Author, Jane Crow and the Law
Moderator: Professor Albert Sacks
Date: April 25, 1984
Title: "The ERA - Is There a Future?"
Speaker: Phyllis Schlafly
Introduction: Sylvia Law - Visiting Professor of Law, Harvard
Date: April 29, 1960 (3:00 p.m.)
Speaker: Walter P. Reuther - President, UAW; Vice-President, AFL-CIO
Moderator: John P. Dawson - Professor, Harvard Law School
Date: March 30, 1962
Speaker: James Hoffa - President, International Brotherhood of Teamsters
Panelists: John T. Dunlop - Chairman, Department of Economics, Harvard
John R. Meyer - Professor of Economics, Harvard
Moderator: Derek C. Bok - Professor, Harvard Law School
Date: April 28, 1961
Title: "The First Hundred Days"
Speaker: Barry Goldwater
Panel: Mark DeWolfe Howe - Professor, Harvard Law School
Seymour E. Harris - Professor of Economics, Harvard
Harold J. Berman - Professor, Harvard Law School
Moderator: Robert Baucher - Professor, Harvard Law School
Date: May 1, 1961
Title: "Unrest Within the Democratic Party"
Speaker: Eleanor Roosevelt
Panel: Patrick McDonough - President, Boston City Council
Robert C. Wood - Professor of Political Science, M.I.T.
Moderator: Erwin N. Griswold - Dean, Harvard Law School
Date: October 24, 1962
Title: "The Future of Integration"
Speaker: Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Panel: Mark DeWolfe Howe - Professor, Harvard Law School
Paul M. Bator - Professor of Law, Harvard Law School
Moderator: Paul A. Freund - Professor, Harvard Law School

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