Over at the Faculty Lounge,
Alfred Brophy has a post on two articles in the May 2010 issue of
Law & History Review that are the meat of a forum, "James Madison: Law, Interpretation, and Ideology in the 1780s" The articles are
Mary Bilder, Boston College Law School, "James Madison, Law Student and Demi-Lawyer"; and
Alison LaCroix, University of Chicago Law School, "The Authority for Federalism: Madison's Negative and the Origins of Federal Ideology." Brophy reports:
For a limited time, the full text of the articles by Bilder and LaCroix and comments by David Mattern, David Konig and Peter Onuf are available on the Law and History Review website, which is hosted by Cambridge University Press. (LHR's website is usually gated, but CUP has made an exception for the next several months so that scholars whose institutions do not subscribe to LHR can have access to this discussion).