Monday 24 May 2010
Convenor: Frédéric AUDREN, CNRS-MFO
Introduction by Luc BOROT (MFO), Jacques KRYNEN (Université Toulouse 1 Capitole) and Frédéric AUDREN (CNRS-MFO)
10:00 - 13.00
John CAIRNS (University of Edinburgh), National, Transnational, and European Legal Histories: Paradigms and Problems
Jean-Louis HALPÉRIN (ENS Ulm, Paris), Is it time for the de-construction of myths in French legal history?
Michael LOBBAN (Mary Queen, University of London), The Varieties of Legal History
Alain WIJFFELS (CNRS - Centre Georges Chevrier), Le ius commune européen: les limites d'une base commune pour l'historiographie du droit anglais et français
Paul BRAND (All Souls, University of Oxford), The English medieval Common Law and the learned law tradition
14:00 - 17.00
Soazick KERNEIS (Université Paris Ouest), Alternative Dispute Resolution. Penal Law, History and Anthropology
Andrew LEWIS (University College London), The Tithe and La Dîme: similarities and différence
Chantal STEBBINGS (University of Exeter), The ‘Unreported’ Tax Case: its Place in the Development of Law in Nineteenth Century England
David DEROUSSIN (Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3), Une nouvelle nationalisation du droit : la culture juridique française vue par la doctrine (1ère moitié du XXè s.)
Conclusion : Louis ASSIER-ANDRIEU (CNRS-ISP Cachan)
Hat tip.