The Broward Sheriff's Office is the country's largest fully-accredited sheriff's department, yet its long and colorful history has escaped the attention of scholars. This oversight has now been corrected by Dr. William P. Cahill and Professor Robert M. Jarvis, who have painstakingly scoured hundreds of sources to tell the agency's story. The result is a fascinating tale that unfolds against the backdrop of South Florida's evolution from rural frontier to international tourist destination. Accompanying the text are 200 pictures (many are rarely seen), a biographical time line, year-by-year election results, and an extensive bibliography.The table of contents and preface are here.
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Explores the career of John B. West (1852-1922), founder of the West Publishing Company, and discusses the reasons why he has become a forgotten man, ignored by the company that bears his name and all but unknown in the profession he single-handedly revolutionized.Photo: John B. West.