American Society for Legal History has recently circulated
on H-Law its annual invitation to persons interested in the field to become members. I want to second that thought. The ASLH has been my disciplinary home for almost thirty years. It performs all the usual functions of a learned society and a great deal more besides, wholly through the unpaid work of its dedicated members.]

The American Society for Legal History is a nonprofit membership organization dedicated to fostering scholarship, teaching, and study concerning the law and institutions of all legal systems, both Anglo-American and international. Founded in 1956, the Society sponsors
Law and History Review (published four times a year) and
Studies in Legal History, a series of book-length monographs available to ASLH members at substantial publication discounts. In addition, the Society holds an annual meeting to promote scholarship and interaction among teachers, practitioners, and students interested in legal history, and maintains a website to inform its members about opportunities in the field. For further information concerning the Society and membership dues, which are quite modest, please
visit the Society's website to join or renew.
Please email Patricia Minter, ASLH Membership Committee Chair, at patricia.minter@wku.edu, if you have further membership questions.