christian.burset@yale.edu or marie-amelie.george@yale.edu.
Danielle Allen | Institute for Advanced Study (Social Science)
Thursday, September 19
Joint session with Legal Theory Workshop. Begins at 4:15 p.m.
Ned Blackhawk | Yale University (History)
Tuesday, October 1
Problems of Governance in the Indigenous West of the Civil War Era
Petra Moser | Stanford University (Economics)
Thursday, November 21
Copyright and U.S. Tastes for Russian Music
Joint session with Law, Economics & Organization Workshop. 4:10-5:40 p.m., SLB 121.
Brian Tamanaha | Washington University School of Law
Tuesday, February 18
A Natural History of Law
Rebecca McLennan | University of California Berkeley (History)
Tuesday, March 25
Living Law in Early America: Towards a Cultural History of Jurisdiction
Randall Lesaffer | Tilburg University Law School
Tuesday, April 1
Pax Sine Iustitia: Peacemaking and the Law of Nations in Early Modern Europe
Jack Goldsmith | Harvard Law School
Thursday, April 10
Joint session with Legal Theory Workshop. Begins at 4:15 p.m.