Congressional Briefings
NHC Congressional Briefing on Immigration Policy: April 5, 2013
NHC Congressional Briefing on the Great Depression: May 21, 2009
NHC Congressional Briefing on the Federal Role in Race and Reconstruction: March 13, 2006
Washington History Seminars
Human Rights before Carter: December 8, 2014
The Secret Ballot in the United States: April 7, 2014
Vagrancy Laws and the Long 1960s: January 13, 2014
Bureaucracy, Citizenship and Remembrance in Wartime Iraq: April 22, 2013
Historical Perspective on the Arab Spring: April 8, 2013
Weatherman Underground Terrorism: April 1, 2013
Lincoln and the Emancipation Proclamation: January 28, 2013
Islam and Democracy for the 21st Century: February 13, 2012
Abraham Lincoln and the Irish: January 23, 2012
Statelessness in 20th Century America: October 24, 2011
Civil Military Relations: April 11, 2011
The “Good Occupation”: Military Government in the American Imagination: March 14, 2011
Rethinking the History of the French Welfare State: March 7, 2011
Territory, Statehood, and Sovereignty: From Westphalia to Globalization: February 7, 2011
The Protestant Boomerang: American Missionaries and the United States: November 15, 2010
Reflections on the Mau Mau and the End of Empire: September 27, 2010
Why a Congress and Not a Parliament?: September 13, 2010
C. Vann Woodward and the Civil Rights Movement: May 10, 2010
The French and American Revolutions and Modern Democracy: April 26, 2010
Rising Inequality and the Return of Jim Crow: April 5, 2010
Miscellaneous Events
Passing the Voting Rights Act, 1965: January 4, 2015 (Audio only)
Forthcoming is the Center's next Congressional Briefing, American Families, Global Competition, and Comprehensive Tax Reform in Historical Perspective, co-sponsored with the Joint Committee on Taxation. It will be held May 8 at 10 a.m. in 2103 Rayburn House Office Building.