- Of course, legal historians know all about Law for the Elephant--but an elephant for the law?
- The schedule for Fall 2015 for the Washington History seminar is out. Sessions include Adam Rothman on Beyond Freedom’s Reach: A Kidnapping in the Twilight of Slavery and Philippa Strum on Speaking Freely: Whitney v. California and American Speech Law.
- A report on that recent congressional briefing on tax history and policy appears on the AHA's blog.
- From Balkinization: Jack Balkin talks with David Sehat (Georgia State) about his new book, The Jefferson Rule: How the Founding Fathers Became Infallible and Our Politics Inflexible (Simon & Schuster, 2015).
- The National History Center's updated guide to researching in the National Archives is here.
- Over at New Books in History, it's Princeton week: Julian E. Zelizer on The Fierce Urgency of Now and Kevin M. Kruse, on One Nation Under God.
- The US Senate on its retiring historian, Donald Ritchie on HNN.
- Over at the Faculty Lounge: The Making of a Lawyer, 1878 Version.