We are very pleased to have
Reuel E. Schiller with us for the month of May. The holder of a JD and a PhD in History from the University of Virginia, Schiller is Professor of Law and Associate Dean for Research at
UC Hastings College of Law. His many articles treat the history of administrative law, employment discrimination and legal thought in the United States. His anthologized article,
Free Speech and Expertise: Administrative Censorship and the Birth of the Modern First Amendment,
Virginia Law Review 86 (2000): 1-102, is an early example of one species of “
administrative constitutionalism,” the interpretation of the Constitution by administrative officials. We expect his posts to address
Forging Rivals: Race, Class, Law, and the Collapse of Postwar Liberalism, which,
as we've noted, he has just published in the
Cambridge Historical Studies in American Law and Society. Welcome, Reuel!