Belated news from the recent ASLH meeting: the winners of this year's
Cromwell Fellowships. The William Nelson Cromwell Foundation awards these fellowships to support research and writing in American legal history by early-career scholars. This year's awardees:
Katherine Carper
Meggan Farish Cashwell
Anne Gray Fischer
Matthew Guariglia
Sara Matthiesen
Ashton Merck
Shaun Ossei-Owusu
Ivon Padilla Rodriguez
Brendan Shanahan
Kent Weber
Geneva Smith
Calvin Snyder
Rachel Watson
The members of the 2018 ASLH Committee for Research Fellowships and Awards were Serena Mayeri (Chair) (University of Pennsylvania); Leonardo Barbosa (CEFOR/Câmara dos Deputados, Brazil); Sandra VanBurkleo (Wayne State University); Kenneth Mack (Harvard University); Katherine Turk (University of North Carolina); and Tracy Steffes (Brown University).