Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Reminder of upcoming (June 1) ASLH deadlines

 Via the leadership of the American Society for Legal History, we have the following reminder:

A reminder that June 1, 2024 is the deadline for applying for many ASLH prizes and fellowships. 

Early Career scholars and graduate students can apply for the Student Research Colloquium and the Cromwell Fellowships. Recent PhDs in European legal history in a Global Perspective should consider applying for our new opportunity for residence at the Max Planck Institute. Early career scholars can also apply to the Virtual Early Career Workshop, applications for which are due June 30.

Each year the ASLH also sponsors a rich array of book and article prizes, including a prize in digital legal history.

Finally, a reminder that each year the ASLH makes available grants of up to $5,000 for Projects and Proposals related to legal history. These applications will be due September 15, 2024.

You might also use this opportunity to renew your membership!

-- Karen Tani