Friday, August 16, 2024

ASLH 2024: Draft Program Released

[We have the following announcement from the American Society for Legal History, including a link to the program for the annual meeting in San Francisco, October 24-26.  DRE]

Dear ASLH Members and Community,

Thanks to the hard work of the Program Committee, the draft program for the San Francisco meeting is now available! You can see the program here.

Now is a great time to start thinking about travel to the meeting. If you need to renew your membership, you can do so here. You can also register for the conference and book your hotel room here. Pre-registration for the meeting will close on October 1. After that, you will only be able to register for the meeting on-site. As a reminder, we ask that participants try to stay in the conference hotel. This helps the Society meet its contractual minimums, and ensures our longer-term financial health. You can read more about the economics of the annual meeting here.  

[On that last link: This is a really instructive list of FAQs, if you've never served on a local arrangements or annual meeting committee of a learned society.  DRE].

Thanks once again to the Program Committee (chaired by Karen Tani and Rowan Dorin), the Standing Committee on the Annual Meeting (chaired by Justin Simard), the Local Arrangements Committee (chaired by Amalia Kessler and Reuel Schiller), and our sponsors in the Bay Area (UC Law San Francisco, Stanford Law School, the Stanford Center for Law and History, the Jurisprudence and Social Policy Program of Berkeley Law School, and the Robbins Collection and Research Center) for their hard work and support.

Also, please note that you will soon be receiving information about the annual ASLH election, which is scheduled to run from August 26 to September 13.

We look forward to seeing you in October!

Ari Bryen
ASLH Secretary