Friday, February 14, 2025

Call for Submissions: SCHS's Hughes-Gossett Award

 [We have the following announcement.  H/t: H-Law.  DRE.]

The Supreme Court Historical Society invites submissions for the Hughes-Gossett Award for the best student paper submitted to the Journal of Supreme Court History. The winner will be awarded a $500 cash prize and publication in the Journal.

The paper must be on some aspect of the Supreme Court’s history. Authors must have been enrolled as students at the time the paper was written. Past winners have been law school students or doctoral students in the departments of history, government, and political science.

Papers may be of any length and may be submitted on an ongoing basis to Helen Knowles-Gardner, Managing Editor, at:

Recent Past Winners

2023.  “FDR’s Court-packing and the Struggle for Civil Rights” by Zach Jonas

2021-22.  “Earl Warren’s Last Stand: Powell v. McCormack, Race, and the Political Question Doctrine” by Olivia O’Hea

2020.  “Rosenberger’s Unexplored History: Politics, the Press, and the University” by Rachael E. Jones

2018.  “Ralph Waldo Emerson and Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.: The Subtle Rapture of Postponed Power” by Adam H. Hines