Update: Links fixed. Sorry for the inconvenience.
43! The preliminary program for this summer's Law and Society Association meeting is now on-line. The meeting is July 25-28 in Berlin.
Speakers on panels include many legal history luminaries, including Constance Backhouse, Stuart Banner, Robert Cottrol, Adrienne Davis, Donna Dennis, Paul Finkelman, Catherine Fisk, Lawrence Friedman, Risa Goluboff, Robert Gordon, Ariela Gross, Hendrik Hartog, Felicia Kornbluh, Kunal Parker, Wendell Pritchett, Chris Tomlins, and more! I could only scan some panels -- there are so many!
A direct link to my search results for legal history panels doesn't seem to work, so go here to find the preliminary program opening page. You don't need a password to access the site. Just click on "Search the Preliminary Program" in the upper left. Then search by "Sessions" and select "Legal History" as a keyword. Sounds a little cumbersome, but it is easy.
You can register for the meeting here. Registration fees (except for students) increase on May 1. And again on July 10.
Another update: I am wrong about the number. A colleague has pointed out that there are EVEN MORE legal history panels! They don't turn up in my search because they don't have "legal history" in their keywords. An example is a panel on activist lawyers in different nations in the 1960s.
As has been the case in the past, the program, most unfortunately, is hard to view. You can't scroll through it. But it is worth the effort. The LSA international meeting is always exciting.