As part of its policy of international outreach, the ASLH has entered into an agreement with the ANZLHS by which each association will sponsor a panel to take part in the other association's annual meeting. In 2011 the ANZLHS annual conference will be held in Brisbane, Queensland. Precise dates have not yet been determined, but the conference will be held in mid-December. The theme of the meeting is "Private Law - Public Lives." The theme description is as
"The 2011 ANZLHS conference theme examines the social dimensions of private law. Does private law as much as public create core social values? How did private law in areas such as the laws of marriage, property, succession, labour or contract, for example, shape colonial and postcolonial societies? What are the wider social implications of family law as well as commercial, corporations, competition or insurance law in other jurisdictions, such as the United States and the EU? How have courts and judges understood and shaped private law?"
Papers for the ASLH panel will be selected with the following criteria in mind: appropriateness to the conference theme; historiographical/substantive originality; thematic unity for a single panel; and capacity to engage with an Australia-New Zealand-Oceania scholarly audience.
In addition to papers addressing the conference theme, the ANZLHS Conference organizers welcome other papers on legal history for consideration. Paper proposals submitted for the ASLH panel but not selected will be forwarded to the conference organizers for their consideration.
Participants in the ASLH panel will be expected to seek funding support from their home institutions to meet the costs of conference attendance. The ANZLHS has agreed to waive the conference registration fee for the ASLH panelists. Some limited "top-up" support will be available for those participants whose home institution will not meet their full expenses.
Proposals should consist of (1) a 250 word synopsis of the proposed paper, and (2) a US$ estimate of the prospective participant's expenses accompanied by a reliable estimate of the US$ funds available to the prospective participant to meet those expenses.
Proposals should be sent by email attachment to ctomlins@law.uci.edu. Deadline for receipt of proposals is 31 December 2010.
Hat tip: H-Law
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