Legal history graduate students: the annual meeting of the
American Society for Legal History is just a month away (November 18-21, 2010). It will be held in Philadelphia, a city that I promise you is fun, easy to get around, and filled with historical gems. The conference is very graduate student-friendly.
ASLH is committed to supporting junior scholars and encourages their participation. The program includes opportunities for graduate students to mingle with each other and to meet more established scholars.
Via H-Law, we have learned that the conference hotel is now sold out, but the
ASLH website offers some ideas about where to find less expensive alternatives. For those coming from schools in the region, you could also easily make a day trip, using
boltbus, or New Jersey Transit/SEPTA. All drop off at points that are either close to the hotel or close to a subway line.
You can register online
here. The student fee is a modest $25.