Hurst Summer Institute in Legal History at Wisconsin
Next biennial session will take place in June 2011; apply by 1/15/11. Complete information and application instructions can be found here
Synopsis: The Hurst Summer Institute in Legal History is a biennial event sponsored by the Institute for Legal Studies at the University of Wisconsin Law School in conjunction with the American Society for Legal History (ASLH). A committee appointed by the ASLH reviews applications from early-career faculty members, doctoral students with completed or nearly completed dissertations, and recent J.D. graduates demonstrating interest in an academic career with a focus on legal history, and selects 12 promising scholars as Institute Fellows. The Fellows come to Madison for two weeks in June to participate in daily seminars, meet other legal historians, and analyze and discuss each other’s work. Each biennial Institute is organized and chaired by senior legal historians and includes visiting scholars who lead specialized sessions.

Law and Society Post-Doctoral Fellowship at Wisconsin
One-year fellowship for early-career scholars who work in the "law and society" tradition and who will be competing for university-level teaching jobs in the U.S. market. [The announcement adds, "Eligibility is limited to humanities or social science scholars who work in the law and society tradition, for example, anthropologists, economists, historians, political scientists, and sociologists."] Application period ends each year in January. For 2011-12 academic year, apply by 1/7/11. Complete information can be found here.